Organic cinnamon leaf oil

This essential oil is extracted from the plant which is generally referred to as Ceylon Cinnamon which has a long history of usage in culinary.

This oil aids in relieving pain and inflammation management which also brings comfort to the overworked muscles and joints by applying topically in extremely low concentrations. Not only this but cinnamon leaf oil has greater effects emotionally and energetically as well by increasing the energy when one is in a low mental state.

Organic Cinnamon bark Oil

This oil has many valuable uses which are as an antidiarrheal, antiflatulence, and as a general stimulant. This has proven to lower the cholesterol level naturally and also control blood sugar levels. While also being a perfect substance for aroma therapy and food flavoring, this is utilized as the base for French perfumes as well.

Organic Pepper oil

This oil is derived from Black pepper which is hailed as the “king of spices” due to its savory and medicinal properties. While being ideal for usage in small quantities for culinary purposes, this also helps in boosting immunity, aid digestion, and control sugar and cholesterol levels.

Organic Clove Oil

Derived from the clove bud, this essential oil brings the note of an aroma that is a combination of rich, warm, sweet-spicy eugenol fragrance with an odd fresh-fruity upper note. Eugenol is the dominant constituent of this product which aids in preserving foods and oral care. The beta-caryophyllene component makes this oil a desirable ingredient in making massage blends and a wonderful diffuser that freshens the air.

Organic Cardamom Oil

Cardamom is a member of the Ginger family and one of the oldest essential oils used in the perfume industry. Also used in the cosmetics industry cardamom is able to enlive the heart and refresh the senses. Due to its active array of oxides and ester molecules, this is a highly recommended ingredient for massage mixtures, chest rubs, and diffusers.

Organic Nutmeg Oil

Nutmeg oil ‘s major ingredients are pinenes, Sabenene, Terpineol, and Myristicin. Obtained from the dried kernel of seeds, this oil gives a pleasant and woody fragrance. This is mainly utilized as an ingredient in the preparation of flavorings such as in the soft drinks industry. Furthermore, this oil has some vital medicinal properties including but not limited to acting as a sedative, stimulant, relaxing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and bactericide.

Organic Citronella Oil

Citronella essential oil gives a moderate aroma which is a combination of sweet, citrusy, lemony, and woodsy fragrances and makes it highly suitable for aromatherapy applications. Being an antioxidant and astringent, it is used in the cosmetics industry. Further, this is widely used as a natural insect repellent.

ORGANIC and Natural EXTRACT Powders

Cinnamon leaf extract powder

Organic Cinnamon Leaf which we also state in the botanical name “Cinnamomum zeylanicum”. This helps immune-boosting protection and reduces inflammation. cinnamon powder is commonly added to toast and baked into pastries and many baking items. but there are so many delicious ways to add cinnamon to your meal.

Cinnamon bark extract powder

Organic Cinnamon bark which we also state in the botanical name “Cinnamomum cassias” Cinnamon is a spice made from the inner bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It's very popular and very helpful to improve blood sugar control and lower some risk factors for heart disease. People use the bark to make medicine.

Pepper extract powder

Organic pepper extract powder which we also state in the botanical name “Pipper nigrum” Black pepper has been used for the treatment in traditional medicine. Black pepper extract is a standardized extract, prepared from the dried fruits of Piper nigrum (black pepper), and contains a minimum of 95% Piperine.

Nutmeg extract powder

Organic nutmeg extract powder which we also state in the botanical name “Myristica fragrans syn” Organic Nutmeg Powder has been used as a remedy for many deceases. It’s known as a powerhouse of nutrition and strengthens the immune system.

Citronella extract powder

Organic citronella extract powder which we also state in the botanical name “Cymbopogon nardus” Citronella kills and keeps away insects and mosquitos. Citronella's lemony aroma also induces feelings of freshness. The citrus aroma removes bad odors and leaves a pleasant, fresh smell. .

Clove extract powder

Organic clove extract powder which we also state in the botanical name “Syzygium aromaticum” Cloves are full of antioxidants. This helps your body to fight free radicals, which damage your cells and can lead to disease. cloves are so effective at fighting cavities and are often added to oral products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

Cardamom extract powder

Organic cardamom extract powder which we also state in the botanical name “Elettaria cardamomum L”. Cardamom powder is widely used in Indian sweet dishes, milk specialties, and hot masala milk. It adds the best flavor to many dishes, vegetables, and other richly-flavored dishes. It is used as a traditional flavor in coffee and tea and also used in baking.